A Finksburg Community Event
Come and See……………………………….
our beautiful church.
Come and Fellowship………………………..
with the Finksburg community.
Come and Hear………………………………
a fabulous musical program.
Come and Eat………………………………..
a delicious meal.
Come and Enjoy…………………………….
a wonderful afternoon.
The planning is done and the work has begun to bring to the Finksburg community an afternoon of entertainment and friendship at Sandy Mount UMC. It is the hope of the planning committee that we can depend on our church family to invite friends, neighbors and others in the community to fill our church for this event. Our goal is to introduce the community to our church and showcase opportunities for worship, Christian education and Christian service. Most of all we want the afternoon to be enjoyable for all who attend.
Following is the information you will need to mark your calendar and begin inviting the Finksburg community. Reach out to everyone.
Celebrate with Song
A Finksburg Community Event
Sunday, March 30th
There will be a musical program from 2–4:30 pm consisting of religious and secular songs performed by all of the Sandy Mount musical groups and the Old Line Statesmen Barbershop Chorus. Following the program, a lite meal will be served in the Fellowship Hall by Jim Fisher and his Kitchen Krew. Child care will be provided.
This is a FREE event. No money will be collected for any reason.
This event will be successful only if YOU will personally extend an invitation to your friends, neighbors and others in the Finksburg community.