From Pastor Kathy – January 4, 2020
Below you will find a link to a recent agreement released by a group within the United Methodist Church. This agreement refers to a separation within the denomination. Understand that no official ruling has taken place. This will occur in May of this year at the general conference to be held in Minneapolis Minnesota.
I know many of you will have some great concerns about what this means for Sandy Mount United Methodist Church. The traditional plan, that was put into place effective January 1 of this year, requires more stringent adherence to language that excludes clergy from conducting same-sex marriages, and does not allow for the ordination of those who self-identity as LBGTQIA+. As a result of this impasse, the United Methodist Church very well may be heading towards a separation.
Again, I emphasize that nothing has been put into place as of yet. Only the general conference can make legislative decisions on behalf of the United Methodist Church. Once that conference convenes we will determine our next steps as a denomination, as an annual conference, and as the church known as Sandy Mount United Methodist Church.
At this point I ask two things. First, please be in prayer for the United Methodist Church. This is a time of serious transition, a time of uncertainty, and a time that could easily be plagued with fear. Please pray.
Second, if any kind of voting needs to occur within our individual church, only those who are members of this church will have voting rights. If you would like your voice and your vote to be heard, I ask that you prayerfully consider joining the church. I want as many voices to be counted, considered, and appreciated.
This is a critical juncture for the United Methodist Church, and yet as Sandy Mount United Methodist Church, we will continue to share the gospel message of Jesus Christ in every way that we can. As I’ve said before, we will continue to feed the hungry. We will continue to provide clothing for those who need it. We will continue to help meet the needs of our neighbors and beyond, because that is what we are called to do as followers of Jesus Christ.
Each of us was called for such a time as this. I am truly honored to be serving as your pastor even during these times of uncertainty. We are the church, and we will continue to share God’s love to all we meet in every way that we can. May God be with each of us as we continue to search our hearts and to seek ways to share the love of Jesus Christ. Amen.