July 1, 2020
This week in our Food 4 Thought sermon series we are talking about table ministry – specifically, Holy Communion. What does communion mean to you? Do you focus on the elements of a little piece of bread and a sip of juice, or do you focus on the meaning behind this ritual?
Those who consider themselves to be Foodies will tell you that the meal is much more than the food prepared. It is the fellowship, the ambiance, the conversation around a table. Jesus was sharing a meal with his disciples as part of a Passover feast. He began to change the sacred rituals passed down from generation to generation. The transition was being made to focus on Jesus’ sacrifice for each of us – “This is my body, this is my blood.”
Since the pandemic began we have not been able to celebrate Holy Communion together in our sanctuary. That will change this Sunday as we return to our worship space and share communion together. However, I know many of you are not comfortable returning to in-person worship because of continued health concerns. If you are able to join us for the live-streamed worship at 10 AM, I will invite you to gather similar communion elements in your house churches and join in the celebration of thanksgiving for Jesus’ love for all.
It is important for us to always remember God’s love through Jesus Christ, the one who gave his all to bring salvation to all. Celebrate this gift. Encourage your children to partake in communion – the table is open to all. Forgiveness, love, salvation, unity, inclusion, acceptance, fellowship – all these and more are available at the table of Jesus Christ our Lord. Come to the table. Amen.
You servant in Christ,
Pastor Kathy