March 19, 2020
I wonder how everyone is doing right now as we sade through the effects of the CORVID-19 pandemic? Perhaps parents are singing that Christmas tune, “and Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again!” Experiencing a crisis of this magnitude can easily overwhelm us. We miss seeing everyone on Sunday mornings as we are all in the same realm of self-distancing. Perhaps this storm seems too powerful.
I’m reminded of the scriptures for this week’s sermon that refer to the times when Jesus conquered even the most violent of storms. The literal wind and waves that were threatening the disciples (Mark 4:35-41) were no match for Jesus the Messiah – the son of God. The raging sea that caused our experienced fishermen to panic was simply a carpet for Jesus to walk upon and to call others out of the boat (Matthew 14:22-33.) Our storms, both literal and figurative, are also no match for Jesus the one who rebukes the wind and says to the sea, ‘Peace, be still.’
We at SMUMC continue to work toward providing a sense of Christian community even in the midst of this challenging time. I hope you can join us for our virtual worship service via our FaceBook page at 10 AM Sunday, or on our website anytime after this. We are planning ahead should the CDC guidelines need to be in place for longer periods of time. I encourage you to continue your Lenten practices of devotionals, collecting 40 items to donate to a local charity, sending your donations to SMUMC via electronic or mail-in giving, prayer practices, and worship. The church is still at work encouraging one another and continuing our ministries in creative ways.
Please check in with each other. If you know of someone who needs an errand runner, a meal, or assistance in some way have them contact me. My cell is always available – 240-285-5800. Be safe and know I hold you all in prayer. Look for a grand celebration when we can once again join together for worship!