What is church? What is worship? We are so fortunate to have gifted tech-savvy folks who are navigating ways for us to gather while remaining safe in our homes. Perhaps you have joined us for a Facebook Watch Party or watched our blended services online. Elements are filmed in various locations, spliced together by our master editors (thank you Charlie and Rachel!) and presented in ways I hope are helping you to create a worship experience at home.
I’ve seen some postings that indicate the Evil One saying, “I managed to close all the churches” with Jesus’ reply, “I formed churches in every household.” I hope you have felt like you are a part of worship at home as we do all we can for our neighbors through social distancing. This is truly a selfless gift of love and I thank you all. I believe now is the time to deepen our faith as we listen for God’s calling in each of our lives. We can continue to choose to make a difference in the lives of our community. Christ is risen and Christians are celebrating throughout this 50-day season of Easter.
One thing I miss is sharing Holy Communion together. I know some groups are doing this in a virtual manner, yet at the recommendation of our Bishop we are holding off until we share this sacrament together. When we do finally gather together,we will do so in a way that keeps everyone safe yet united as brothers and sisters in Christ, worshiping together.
Celebrate the good news of Jesus the Christ, who lived, died, and rose again. The tomb is empty! Praise be to God!!!
Pastor Kathy