From the Pastor 6/16/20

This week we began outdoor worship services behind the parsonage on Sundays at 9 AM. I wanted to extend a special thank you to all who came out and experienced a glorious time together. Social distancing, wearing masks – all the safety measures were in place and I am so grateful to Doug Brooks for taking the lead. I hope you can join us this coming Sunday for another devotional service.


But know we have not stalled in our resolve to re-open the sanctuary. The re-entry team is meeting tomorrow and we should be able to set a firm date for re-opening. The blended worship service format will continue through the summer months as we navigate social distancing protocols.  Also look for a re-entry guide video and blog that will help you feel most comfortable as you return to in-person worship. Know also that virtual worship will always be an option.


In reading your surveys, I am realizing the number of folks that have not been able to join us online. I will be much more intentional about sending worship blogs via mail to those we know do not have internet/email. If you want to make sure you receive these, please contact the church office.


As an initiation, this week in our ‘Food 4 Thought’ sermon series we are discussing Exodus chapter 16. God provided manna from heaven to sustain the Israelites during their time in the wilderness. For 40 years, manna and quail were provided – in spite of the grumbling and complaining of these folks, in spite of their short memories of how God delivered them from slavery, in spite of their lack of gratitude – God provided. 


Perhaps we can take a lesson from this as well. Can we take time to focus on God’s blessings? It is easy to focus on the limitations we have experienced during this pandemic, but is there anything we can be grateful for today? I am issuing a challenge this week for each of us to take a day out of the week and not complain about anything for 1 whole day. Quite the challenge – I am right there with you! Yet when we can focus on our blessings, perhaps our perspective changes and we can truly feel blessed by the Almighty.


May God continue to bless and strengthen you in the days and weeks ahead.


Your servant in Christ,

Pastor Kathy