Greetings All,
I am pleased to initiate outdoor worship devotionals beginning this Sunday June 14, 2020. We will be utilizing the outdoor chapel behind the parsonage, but feel free to bring your own lawn chairs to ensure safe social distancing practices. These will be held at 9 AM. We will keep these short – about 30-minutes. Doug Brooks will take the lead, but I will be there as well as others helping to lead the services that will continue through the summer and will be traditional in style.
With the current information available, group singing is strongly discouraged. While I know other groups are engaging in this, it may be best to refrain for now. I know how hard that is for us as United Methodists. We will do all we can to include music but keep the songs in our hearts! Other changes include social distance seating and wearing masks. Again, I know other groups allow for no masks – I just want us to keep everyone as safe as possible, and I thank you in advance.
Online worship will continue as it has since we began live-streaming. Soon we will be gathering in the sanctuary to experience blended services at 10 AM each week. I have a target date in mind so as soon as all our safeguards are in place we will proceed to worship indoors. Again, this will look and feel a bit different as social distancing, wearing masks, and no singing will be part of our new normal at least for a while. Our team meets next week, and I have a plan to record a preview of the changes so everyone can feel comfortable when entering our doors. I pray you find renewal in body, mind, and spirit as we look forward to a blessed reunion.
For those of you who returned your surveys, I greatly appreciate it. If you did not receive one, please contact the church office at to request yours. These surveys give us valuable information so we can be best prepared for re-opening. Know that I value and appreciate your feedback – it helps us to continue to give our very best to the Almighty.
I hold you all in my heart. I miss seeing you! Know that whenever you feel comfortable returning to in-person worship, or remain an online follower, we are all part of the body of Christ known as Sandy Mount United Methodist Church and we are all precious children of God.
Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Kathy